"Everyman, I will go with thee and be thy guide, in thy most need to go by thy side". anonymous.


This was a quote by a publisher in a copy of "Pilgrims Progress" which was given to me at the age of six when I expressed a wish to travel after hearing about Chinese cormorant fishing and pearl divers in Kuwait.  Although at the time I was a little young to understand the context of the book, travel, wandering and pilgrimages were fascinating to me and have now become an integral way of life. My journeys are not extraordinary but as a lone female wanderer, I have found invaluable advice and perspective from all those authors, bloggers and fellow travellers that have gone before me. More importantly the inspiration and support they gave in my most need whilst on and off the beaten track. The blog is set up to assist everyday lone travellers, male and female alike in exploring our world both inside and out whilst respecting the environment and all that are in it. Perhaps my teacher knew more of my character than I did when the passion of travel was ignited at six and my eyes were opened to the world and awakened to what was in it. A big thanks to my teachers for inspiring travel. Hopefully travel and my blog will ignite the child in you, Enjoy! 




Wales:The dragons Back


My Solo South American trip coming soon

Raising awareness for diabetes The Welsh Coastal Walk

Welsh costal walk for diabetes UK coming soon


Welsh coastal walk image courtesy of welsh coastal path. https://walescoastpath.co.uk